The Twelve Steps as a Path to Enlightenment - How the Buddha Works the Steps
explains how the spiritual principles embodied in the Twelve Steps parallel the Buddhist teachings
for reaching ultimate enlightenment. This book is perfect for Buddhists, atheists, and members of Twelve
Step programs that are ready to take their personal growth to the next level. Written by spiritual teacher
and life coach, Dorena Rode, this guidebook clearly presents a step by step proven method for increasing joy,
making life more meaningful and destroying self-limiting beliefs. The spiritual seeker, whether in recovery or
not, finds they can end their specific sufferings (addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, debting, etc) without
the need to have a belief in a higher power or God.
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ISBN: 1941894046
EAN13: 978-1941894040
$16.95 USA     158 pages
Kindle Version available.